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Covid 19 and IB Examinations for May 2022


The May 2022 exams will be run in the same way as May 2021, including:

  • a reduced exam schedule

  • A route in which students write exams

  • B route if a student or students cannot write exams due to Covid restrictions or exposure.

During Exams:


Students will be expected to follow all school procedures for sanitizing desks and wearing masks. 


In the event that a student experiences Covid-like symptoms on an exam day, he/she must not come to school.   The school must be contacted immediately and the student should arrange for Covid testing as soon as possible.  IB has provisions in place for these situations (see below).


IB Non-Exam routes for May 2022


Because some IB World Schools may not be in a position to safely run IB Exams, an alternate route for their students has been developed.  Referred to as the "Non-exam" route, this will involve calculation of final marks derived from submitted Internal Assessments and Predicted Grades.  In order to assure the validity of marks, the following provisions have been made:

  1. All Internal Assessments marked by teachers will also be reviewed by IB Senior Examiners

  2. Teacher generation of Predicted Grades has a defined procedure to ensure the validity of grade prediction, including:

    • inclusion of all student coursework and assessments over the full IB Diploma Program in the process of determining predictions​

    • a new 'moderation' process in which teachers submit Predicted Grades to IB within a framework of allocations of available grade ranges derived from three years data on grade prediction accuracy for each subject in the school.

  3. In addition, IB has made the following provisions:​

    • When establishing grade boundaries for all subjects, the impact of missed class time due to Covid 19 will be addressed by adjustment should results show lower than normal performance of students in exams or internal assessments.

    • A variety of adaptations and changes to assessments, weighting and number of exams were introduced in the fall of 2021, similar to those introduced for the fall of 2020. 


How will the Non-Exam route apply?


The Non-Exam route will only apply to:

  1. Schools that may not be able to safely run IB Exams, in which case no exams will be held.

  2. Schools that may experience a shutdown during IB Exams, in which case exam results to that point will be assessed and the school will move to the Non-Exam route. 

  3. Students who may be forced to stay home due to Covid 19, either symptoms or infection.  In this case, missed subject exams will be accommodated in the Non-Exam route.  


In the midst of the uncertainties and impact of the Pandemic, the goal is to provide a fair and equitable assessment for all students, whether in the Exam or Non-Exam route.  To this end, a great deal of work has gone into establishing protocols that are expected to be fair for all students.  Writing IB exams is the norm where possible.



Please contact Philip Pierlot, IB Coordinator at or 902 368-6905




May 2022 Rural IB Exams              Exam Schedule

The linked schedule contains the following important information for all students writing this Session:

  • Dates for each exam

  • Duration for each exam 


Prior to the May 2022 exams, students will be provided with a schedule that includes full information on exam arrival, start and end times.  The following information applies as well.


Grade 12 students are provided an information session to go over all exam and end of year procedures and they receive handouts with important information and directions for the Exam session.  It is very important that they follow these instructions. 


Of particular importance are the directions regarding lateness or absence from an exam.  In summary, these include the following:


1. A student arriving late for an exam (once exam instructions are under way) will not be admitted to the examination until he/she has seen the IB Coordinator.  This is to avoid disruption to an exam in progress.


2. A student arriving up to one hour for an exam may be admitted to the exam room by the IB Coordinator.  If there is justification , the IB Coordinator may extend writing time to the extent of the exam time allotment.  This depends upon availability of an exam Invigilator and it cannot interfere with another IB exam time slot.  Information concerning late arrival in this case will be reviewed by the IB Coordinator and sent to IB for review.


3. If a student does not arrive for an exam, this will be noted on the exam paper and it will be sent in to IB.


4. A student who is absent for an exam for serious reason must immediately arrange contact with the main office at Charlottetown Rural (902 368-6905).   It is very important to direct the message to Mr. Pierlot, IB Coordinator. The reason for absence must be provided and the message must be provided to the IB Coordinator.


5.If the absence is for a serious reason, written and signed documentation from a doctor, police officer or similar authority must be provided to the school at the earliest opportunity.  A note from a parent/guardian is not sufficient. This documentation will be provided to IB where a decision will be made about mark awarding.


6. Sleeping in, traffic problems or minor illness, as examples, would not be considered serious reasons for absence.

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Tel: 902 368-6905

Fax: 902 368-6906


Charlottetown Rural High School

International Baccalaureate Program

100 Raiders Road

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Canada C1E 1K6

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